Configure SNMP View and Destination UDP Port

SNMP view is a group of MIB OIDs that limits viewing and configuring access within SNMP. SNMP communities and SNMP users can be configured to use a view. When accessing SNMP through a community or users, access will be limited to OIDs included in the view. By default, communities and users can use default efav3View view of XCO.

About this task

Follow this procedure to configure SNMP view and destination UDP port.
Table 1. Drift Reconcile & Idempotency Support
Identify Drift Reconcile Configuration Idempotency
Yes Yes Yes


  1. Create SNMP view.
    1. Run the following command to create an SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view create [ --ip device-ips | --name view-name | --mib-tree mib-oid | --mib-tree-access access
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name view-name
       View name
      --mib-tree mib-oid
       MIB subtree in the form of Object identifier. Example:
      --mib-tree-access access
       Mib-tree access. Valid values are: included, excluded

      The following example creates a view on a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view create --ip --name view1 --mib-tree --mib-tree-access included
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | MIB-Tree-Access | Status  | Reason |
      | | view1 |  | included        | Success |        |
      | | view1 |  | included        | Success |        |
      Snmp view details
    2. Run the following command to delete an SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view delete [ --ip device-ips | --name view-name | --mib-tree mib-oid |
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name view-name
       View name
      --mib-tree mib-oid
       MIB subtree in the form of Object identifier. Example:

      The following example deletes a view on a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view delete --ip --name view1 --mib-tree
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | Status  | Reason |
      | | view1 |  | Success |        |
      | | view1 |  | Success |        |
      Snmp view details
    3. Run the following command to list SNMP view:
      efa inventory device snmp view list [ --ip device-ips |
      --ip device-ips
       Comma separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example shows the current SNMP view for the specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp view list --ip
      |  IP Address   | Name  | MIB-Tree | MIB-Tree_Access | AppState |
      | | view1 |  | included        |          |
      +               +-------+----------+-----------------+----------+
      |               | view2 |  | included        |          |
      | | view3 |  | excluded        |          |
      Snmp view details
    4. Run the following command to create an SNMP community and SNMP group:
      efa inventory device snmp community create [ --ip device-ips | --name community | --group group | --enable-read-access | --enable-write
      access | --enable-notify-access | --view view-name ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name community
      Specifies an SNMP community name.
      --group group
      Specifies an SNMP group name.
      Sets read access for the view.
      Sets write access for the view.
      Sets notify access for the view.
      Optionally specify a SNMP view name. Default view efav3View.used when not specified.

      The following example creates a community using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp community create --ip --name community1 --group group1 --enable-read-access --view view1
      |  IP     |    Community   |Group  |Read  |Write | Notify |View  |Status  |Reason |
      |  Address|    Name        |       |view  |view  | view   |      |        |       |
      | 10.139  | $9$smklvisSghO |group1 |view1 |      |        |view1 |Success |       |
      | .44.153 | ZEQvXJKBDeA==  |       |      |      |        |      |        |       |
      Snmp community details
    5. Run the following command to list an SNMP community:
      efa inventory device snmp community list [--ip device-ip ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example creates a community using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp community list --ip
      | IP      |    Community   |Group  | Read  |Write | Notify |View  | AppState   |
      | Address |    Name        |       | view  |view  | view   |      |            |
      | 10.139  | $9$smklvisSghO |group1 | view1 |      |        |view1 | cfg-in-sync|
      | .44.153 | ZEQvXJKBDeA==  |       |       |      |        |      |            |
    6. Run the following command to create an SNMP user and SNMP group:
      efa inventory device snmp user create [--ip device-ip | --name community
      | --group group | --enable-read-access | --enable-write-access | --
      enable-notify-access | --auth-protocol md5 | sha | --auth-pass
      authphrase | --priv-protocol AES128 | DES | --priv-pass privphrase |
      --view view-name]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
      --name community
      Specifies an SNMP community name.
      --group group
      Specifies an SNMP group name.
      Sets read access for the view.
      Sets write access for the view.
      Sets notify access for the view.
      --auth-protocol md5 | sha
      Sets notify access for the view. This parameter is set to off, by default.
      --auth-pass passphrase
      Authentication password.
      --priv-protocol AES128 | DES
      Privacy protocol.
      --priv-pass privphrase
      Privacy password.
      --view view-name
      Optionally specify a SNMP view name. Default view efav3View.used when not specified.

      The following example creates users using a specified device:

      efa inventory device snmp user create --ip --name user1 --group group1 --view view1
      |IP      |User |Group |Read |Write |Notify |View |Auth  |Auth       |Priv  |Priv       |Status  |Reason |
      |Address |     |      |view |view  |view   |     |proto |passphrase |proto |passphrase |        |       |
      |10.139. |user1|group1|     |      |       |View1|      |           |      |           |Success |       |
      |44.153  |     |      |     |      |       |     |      |           |      |           |        |       |
      Snmp user details
    7. Run the following command to list an SNMP users:
      efa inventory device snmp user list [--ip device-ip ]
      --ip device-ip
      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,

      The following example list SNMP users:

      efa inventory device snmp user list --ip
      |IP      |User |Group |Read |Write |Notify |View  |Auth       |Auth  |Priv       |Priv |AppState    |
      |Address |     |view  |view |view  |       |proto |passphrase |proto |passphrase |     |            |
      |10.139  |user1|group1|     |      |       |View1 |           |      |           |     |cfg-in-sync |
      |.44.153 |     |      |     |      |       |      |           |      |           |     |            |
      Snmp user details
  2. Create SNMP host.
    1. Run the following command to create SNMP v2c or v3 host with a specified UDP port:
      efa inventory device snmp host create [--ip device-ip | --host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN |--community community | --user user | --version v2c | v3
      | --notify-type traps | informs | --engine-id remote_id | --udp-port port]
      --ip device-ip                   Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP
                                       addresses. Example:,,
      --host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN     Specifies a host IP address.
      --community community            Specifies a community name. Applicable for v2c
      --user user                      Specifies an SNMP v3 user.
      --version v2c | v3               Specifies the SNMP version.
      --notify-type traps | informs    Specifies the notification type. Informs are 
                                       valid for v3 only.
      --engine-id remote_id            Specifies the remote engine ID of manager.
      --udp port                       Optional port number used to send notifications.
                                       Range: 0-65535, Default=162 (default 162)

      The following example creates and lists SNMP host:

      efa inventory device snmp host create --ip --host-ip --user user1 --version v3 --notify-type traps --udp-port 163
      |IP      |Host |User |Community |Notify |Engine |Source    | Vrf     |UDP |Severity |Status  |Reason |
      |Address |IP   |     |          |Type   |ID     |Interface |         |port|         |        |       |
      |10.139  |1.1  |user1|          |traps  |       |management|mgmt-vrf |163 |None     |Success |       |
      |.44.153 |.1.1 |     |          |       |       |chassis-ip|         |    |         |        |       |            
      Snmp host details
      efa inventory device snmp host list --ip
      |IP      |Host |User |Community |Notify |Remote   |Source    |  Vrf    |UDP  |Severity |AppState    |
      |Address |IP   |     |          |Type   |EngineID |Interface |         |port |         |            |
      |10.139  |1.1  |user1|          |traps  |         |management|mgmt-vrf |163  |None     |cfg-in-sync |
      |.44.153 |.1.1 |     |          |       |         |chassis-ip|         |163  |         |            |
      Snmp host details